Eczema can never be cured, but it can be managed and you can do things to prevent flare-ups. Although using organic products is a good place to start as many eczema sufferers have sensitive skin and allergies, one of the most common eczema-triggers is stress, something which can easily be reduced without using any products at all! This is of course much easier said than done when you’ve had a bad day at work or have a stressful life in general, but these simple tips will help during those stressful days and weeks.
Do things that help you relax
Whether it’s swimming, running, playing video games, or going out with friends, do something that helps you relax and feel at ease. Eczema can be triggered and flare-up from stress, so doing everything you can to help manage that stress will make a big impact.
Switch off from social media
It can be really hard to not compare your life to others’ on social media when you’re aimlessly scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and seeing other people’s seemingly perfect lives. Many people claim to experience feelings of stress and sadness after lengthy periods of time on social media, so if you’ve been feeling stressed and worried that you’re not doing as well in life as others, have some time out from social media, and remember; social media is just a highlight reel.
Get outside and go for a walk
If the weather’s nice head outside and go for a wander. Even a stroll to your local cafe or pub will do some good, and especially in winter it’s important to get some natural sunlight and the Vitamin D it provides. Small amounts of Vitamin D are great for your skin and your general health & wellbeing, and can improve mood and happiness.
Practice a slow form of Yoga and Meditation
When I was going through a stressful time in my life I decided to try yoga. I’m not great with balance, and I didn’t want anything too strenuous as I was already doing regular cardio with spinning. My local gym had a restorative yoga class and I found it really helped me to wind down after a long day. Restorative yoga relaxes the mind and the poses are modified to be relaxing rather than energetic. You use a lot of bolsters to help you stay in poses for a longer time to fully relax and sink deeper into that relaxation.
Use a humidifer and oil diffuser
Humidifiers do wonders for dry skin, especially in winter when the air is very dry which then makes your skin even worse. Many humidifiers double up as oil diffusers, and after trying a cheap and very noisy one I got the Neom Wellbeing Pod and absolutely love it! I find it so calming and relaxing and it’s now an integral part of my bedtime routine, which leads us to..
Create a bedtime routine
Believe it or not, a bedtime routine isn’t just for kids! It’s only been the past few months that I’ve gotten myself into a routine and seen the benefits of having a routine at night, after many months of struggling to get to sleep. Personally I switch off from social media an hour before bed, I put my phone on ‘do not disturb’, and switch on my Neom Wellbeing Pod (I find two drops of the Lavender & Jasmine ‘De-Stress’ Neom oil in the water is perfect), and read a book in bed for an hour. It really helps me relax before bed and fall asleep quickly, whereas before I would be tossing and turning for ages trying to fall asleep.
Get an early night to help reduce stress
This is probably the most simple one, but getting an early night and a proper night of sleep can work wonders. It can be very easy to get into the habit of sitting up late at night watching Netflix or working on your laptop, but by creating a bedtime routine and setting a standard time of going to bed, your body will thank you for it! Your body needs time to rest and recover from the day, and getting to bed early enough to make sure you get at least 8-hours of sleep will help to de-stress your body and help prevent your eczema from flaring up.